Horario: Lunes y Miércoles 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM •  Martes y Jueves 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM •  Viernes 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Backpack Safety 101

Kids’ spines are still growing and are therefore vulnerable to back injuries, so having the right backpack and wearing it correctly are essential. Backpacks can cause pain and discomfort or

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Tongue Tie

Debate around infant tongue-tie surgery has intensified over the past decade. While tethered oral tissue might be the cause of feeding issues, other factors like tongue, head, or neck adaptations

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Taking Care of Mama

The human body’s ability to grow a life in nine months is truly remarkable, yet we often overlook the magic of this process. If we focused more on allowing our

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Quiropráctica durante el embarazo

BLOG POST EN COLABORACION CON @LUNABEE Durante el embarazo, el cuerpo de las mujeres lleva a cabo un sinnúmero de cambios. Estos pueden causar mucha incomodidad, dificultad para dormir, calambres,

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Breastfeeding and TMJ Dysfunction

During Breastfeeding Issues Part 1, we discussed how nipple confusion can make it difficult for infants to breastfeed and alternative methods that can be implemented. It was also mentioned that

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